DDsite and DDsite-Cyto
Tag. Retrieve. Discover.
Designed for use with cells exposed to DNA-damaging treatments, DDsite delivers unparalleled insight into genomic instability and its implications for drug efficacy and precision medicine.
How it works
Locate frequent and persistent DNA break sites across the genome
Step 1
Culture your cells and treat with your drug or treatment of interest to induce DNA damage.

Step 2
Freeze down the cells, package, and ship the samples to us.

Step 3
At BreakSight, we’ll tag DNA double-strand break ends within the nucleus or cytoplasm of your cells.

Step 4
We’ll extract and shear genomic DNA before specifically retrieving the labeled DNA break fragments.

Step 5
Samples containing the retrieved DNA break fragments and the genomic input will then undergo next-generation sequencing (NGS).
Sample QC
Sample fragmentation
Library Prep
Library QC
150 bp paired-end sequencing (~60 million read pairs per sample)

Example of BrITL qRT-PCR results

DDinsight and DDinsight+
Gain insights into your data
DDinsight processes and analyzes sequenced data to identify reproducible DNA break sites, compare treatment effects, and pinpoint enriched DNA motifs or repeats.