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DDinsight and DDinsight+

Detailed reports. Actionable insights

DDinsight processes and analyzes sequenced data to identify reproducible DNA break sites, compare treatment effects, and pinpoint enriched DNA motifs or repeats.

How it works

Reveal genomic sequences and regions associated with DNA damage.

An icon of a DNA strand with specific areas highlighted.


Removes low-quality or adapter sequences for cleaner data.

An icon being scanned by a magnifying glass.

Quality Checks

Ensures high data integrity and reliability.

An icon of a DNA strand next to a magnifying glass.


Maps sequenced reads to the reference genome for analysis.

An icon of a broken DNA strand.


Identifies significant DNA break sites.

An icon of a double helix DNA strand with an exclamation point next to it.

Basic Peak Annotations

Categorizes identified DNA break peaks by their genomic locations, such as introns, exons, promoters, and simple repeats

An icon with a report on a clipboard with a double helix DNA strand and a checkmark displayed on it.

Data Report

Summarizes findings with detailed insights and visuals.

An icon representing test results with a double helix DNA strand on the top sheet.

IDR (Irreproducible Discovery Rate)

Validates reproducibility of identified break sites.

An icon of a double helix DNA strand with specific regions called out.

Coverage Plot Generation

Allows for visualization of mapped sequence reads and DNA break peaks along the chromosomes.

Explore complex mechanisms of genomic instability
  • Uncover DNA repeats and sequence motifs enriched at break sites.
  • Associate identified DNA break sites with publicly available databases of genome-wide elements (e.g. ChIP-Seq data, gene regions, histone marks, etc.)
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Illustration of a human cell with three circular areas highlighted, representing specific structures or focal points within the cell.